“Failed in a sense that we have let everyone down, including ourselves.”整部片的感觉都很沉重,给我一种无力感。想伸出援手,却发现自己无能为力。 “It’s like you said, we’re.. we’re bored to this. There is nothing left. Nothing but to realize how fucked up things are... It’s not enough. I won’t last.” Listen to me, just listen.We all the same. We all feel pain.We all have chaos in our lives. Life is very, very confusing, I know.I don’t have the answer, but I know if you write it out, it’ll all be okay.记得在影片中,男主有提到过每个人都应该学会阅读。要想解决问题,唯有自渡。别人只能是帮助。 一个好的老师,通常会从他人的角度出发,学着感受,学着理解。老师在孩子成长过程中起着重要作用,但家长在孩子的成长过程中的地位更重要,如果孩子不被重视,或者一直给予否定,又怎么能让孩子快乐呢?瞧瞧看梅丽迪斯,一直被父亲否定,以至于看世界都是黑色的。 |